Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need a referral?
No you do not need a referral to access services. If you have been asked by the court, your family physician, or psychiatrist, a formal referral is not required.
How long will I be in therapy?
I’m not a firm believer that once you enter into therapy you will be attending long term. I’ve seen therapy make a difference after one session and others longer. I use a variety of therapeutic modalities and some like CBT help you develop your own skills so you become your own therapist. Your sessions and goals will be reviewed on an ongoing basis to monitor your progress. I would much rather develop a timeline with you, rather than tell you how long we will be seeing each other.
My base fee is $200 per hour. This price is based on the Alberta Psychology Association’s fee guide, which recommends $235 per hour for individual session. I am not quite done my MSW yet, which is why I charge slightly less than that right now. This may change when I am completed in April 2025.
Ideally, I believe therapy is something that everyone should have access too regardless of financials. If you don’t have benefits and $200 is out of your price range, lets discuss sliding scale options.
I get it, therapy is expensive; however, therapy should be prioritized like massage, physio, yoga, etc. Our mental health too often takes the back seat and when people are burnt out that’s when they seek support. I would encourage you to work on yourself first, before you’re overwhelmed.
More often than not, clients who have engaged in therapy address other problem areas in their life. Therapy comes with a cost; I would encourage you to say to yourself “I am worth it”.
Do you accept insurance?
For the time being Alex does not direct bill insurance at this time. Once Alex completes his Master’s of Social Worker in April, 2025, this will be re-assessed.
What if I need paperwork completed?
Alex is not a Clinical Social Worker and therefore cannot give a diagnosis but can refer you to a provider that can.
There is a base fee for paperwork. Any lengthy court reports will be charged per hour. These arrangements will always be discussed and agreed upon before any work is completed.
What is confidentiality?
I am bound by the Social Work Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice and can’t disclose your information without your consent. There are exceptions to confidentiality: if there is any risk to yourself, others, or vulnerable people; and limitations to people under the age of eighteen. I have an ethical and legal obligation to disclose information. If during a session you disclose something that does cross these thresholds, I will inform you of this and will involve you in the process. Additionally, if something is a concern to me, but does not cross this boundary, we may create a safety plan, which could involve others-I encourage people to share their safety plan. Furthermore, if I receive a subpoena from provincial court or WCB to provide documents or attend court myself, I am required to do so.
Additional Questions?
Any additional questions you have that were not answered above please reach out and I will get back to you as soon as possible.